Privacy Policy
The undersigned declare under our responsibility that the information above will be subject to negotiation, and that consequently authorizes LABAR, registered proprietor Tonda Design, the use of their personal data, pursuant to ‘Section 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003, exclusively for purposes related to the activities of the same.
The data related to your person, their orders and purchases made by you are acquired exclusively for sales activities requested by users and possibly a communicative purpose of news, offers, promotions, to improve our service to you, to this the data will be collected, recorded and processed in an automated way with the procedures deemed necessary for the pursuit of purpose.
Data will not be disseminated or disclosed to third parties and can be accessed addressing Labar, controller, to verify the use or to correct, update, delete or refuse their treatment under Article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003
Cookies and privacy: What are cookies?
Cookies are information placed on your browser when you visit a website or use a social network with your PC, smartphone or tablet. Each cookie contains various data such as, for example, the name of the server from which it comes, a numeric identifier, etc ..
Cookies can remain in the system for the duration of a session (that is, until you close the browser used for web browsing) or for long periods and may contain a unique identifier.
What are cookies?
Some cookies are used to perform authentication information, monitoring of sessions and storing specific information about users who log on to a web page. These cookies, so-called technical, are often useful, because they can make faster and quick navigation and use of the web, such as intervening to facilitate certain procedures when you shop online, when you login to areas with restricted access, or when a website automatically recognizes the language you normally use. A particular type of cookie, called analytics, are then used by the operators of websites to gather information, in aggregate, the number of users and how they visit the site, and then draw general statistics about the service and its use. Other cookies may instead be used to track and profile users while browsing, study their movements and habits of consultation with the Web or consumption (what they buy, what they read, etc.), Also in order to send targeted advertising service Custom (cd Behavioural Advertising). We speak here of cookie profiling. It can also happen that a web page contains cookies from other sites and content in various elements hosted on the same page, such as banner ads, images, videos, etc .. We speak, in these cases, so-called third-party cookies, which They are usually used for profiling purposes. So cookies you download on PC, smartphone and tablet can also be read by other persons, other than those who manage the web pages you visit.
Cookies and privacy
Given the particular invasiveness that cookies profiling (especially third parties) may be part of the private sphere of the users, the European and Italian legislation requires the user to be properly informed on the use of the same and give their valuable consent to the insertion of cookies on your terminal.
In particular, with the measure “Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies” 8 May 2014 [Doc web n. 3118884] the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data ruled that when accessing the home page or to another page of a website that uses cookies for profiling and marketing should immediately appear a banner clearly visible, where it is indicated clearly:
1) that the site uses cookies profiling to send targeted advertisements;
2) the site also allows sending cookies “third party”, in the case of using this type of cookie, that cookie installed by a different site through the site you are visiting;
3) Link to a wider disclosure, with the indications on the use of cookies sent from the site, where you may opt to install them directly or by connecting to various sites in the case of cookies “third party”;
4) a statement that continuing the navigation (eg., By going to another area of the site or by selecting an image or a link) it consents to the use of cookies.
In any case, in addition to the protection provided, you also have other options to navigate without cookies
Block third-party cookies
The third-party cookies are not generally necessary to navigate, so you can reject them by default, through special functions of your browser.
Enable the Do Not Track
The option Do Not Track is present in most newer browsers. Web sites designed to comply with this option, when activated, should automatically stop collecting some of your browsing data. As mentioned, however, not all websites are set up to comply with this option (discretionary).
Mode of “private browsing”
Using this feature you can navigate without a trace in the browser navigation data. The sites do not remember you, the pages you visit will not be stored in the history and the new cookie will be deleted.
The private browsing feature does not guarantee, however, the anonymity of the Internet, because it serves not only to maintain the navigation data in the browser, whereas your browsing data will continue to be available to the operators of Web sites and providers of connectivity.
Delete cookies directly
There are special functions to do this in all browsers. But remember that every time you connect to the Internet download new cookie, so the delete operation should be performed periodically. If desired, some browsers offer automated systems for periodic deletion of cookies.
To learn more about cookies and to manage your preferences on cookie profiling third party please visit To disable cookies analytical and prevent Google Analytics to collect information about your navigation, you can download the Add-browser for the Google Analytics Opt: